Wensly Francisco appointed member of the General Board NVJ

Friday November 22, 2019 - 15:50:10 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Wensly Francisco appointed member of the General Board NVJ

    During the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, November 20, Wensly Francisco, editor-in-chief / director / creative-researcher, Journalistic core editor KRO-NCRV, was appointed as a member of the general board of the NVJ.

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During the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, November 20, Wensly Francisco, editor-in-chief / director / creative-researcher, Journalistic core editor KRO-NCRV, was appointed as a member of the general board of the NVJ.

'As a member of the NVJ board, I want to focus primarily on these two topics. Namely, ensuring that journalists can do their work everywhere, properly paid, and that the news is accessible to everyone. This means that I am committed to more diversity in the workplace and that journalists can objectively report on a situation. Through my experiences as a soldier abroad I know how important freedom of the press is.

It has been said for a long time that we are going to make journalism more inclusive. My motto is 'get them while they're young'. With meetings and inspiration sessions I want to prepare young people and inform them why journalism is important and why diversity in journalism is indispensable.

So as a board member, I not only want to focus on meeting work, but also actively engage in the importance of spreading journalism in times of fake news. "

  • Read here the interview with Wensly Francisco following his candidacy

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